Lanie Gardner

GOTEM FIT Instructor

Hello, my name is Lanie Gardner. I’m 19 years old, and am originally from Olathe but just completed my freshman year at the University of Florida. I’m so glad to be back for the summer!

I am an Olathe North Medical Professions Academy alumni and during my time at Olathe North, I worked in several healthcare positions including:
⁃ Internship at Olathe Medical Center
⁃ Fitness attendant at Olathe Community Center for a year
⁃ CNA for the past year and a half
I’ve just completed my first year at UF as a microbiology and life science major.

I have a passion for my personal health and fitness, and I am so excited to help you reach your own fitness goals! I’ve played a variety of sports including club volleyball, swim, golf, and basketball. I love to move and exercise. 4 years ago, I had a major medical emergency that inspired me to start my fitness journey. Since then, I have been dedicated to working out every day, and making each workout fun. I’m so excited to be apart of GOTEM FIT, and I hope to help you find that same passion and offer support and encouragement. Come join me in class